Stuart Dalziel introduces the new APLS status epilepticus management algorithm, and compares the evidence from two major recent studies in second line agents in status: the ConSEPT and EcLiPSE trials.
Speaker biography:
Stuart is a specialist paediatrician with sub-specialty training in paediatric emergency medicine. He is the Director of Emergency Medicine Research at Starship Children's Hospital, Auckland, and a Professor of Paediatrics and Emergency Medicine at The University of Auckland. Stuart is involved in both local and international emergency medicine research groups. He is the past chair of PREDICT and the chair of the Pediatric Emergency Research Networks (PERN), a collaboration of the eight major international paediatric emergency medicine research networks. His research networks are focused around acute paediatric presentations, specifically respiratory and neurological presentations, as well as long-term effects of perinatal / early life treatments.
From the 2019 APLS Paediatric Acute Care Conference in Perth.