Research shows that across the PERN network, 30% of children admitted to hospital with bronchiolitis get treatment that, according to high level evidence, makes no difference whatsoever. 

Why? How do we bridge the gap between what we know we should be doing, and what we're currently doing?

Stuart Dalziel of the PREDICT research network tackles bronchiolitis management with intriguing evidence updates, strategies for knowledge translation, the role of high flow and the evolution of guidelines.

Speaker biography:
Stuart is the Cure Kids Chair of Child Health Research at the University of Auckland, where he is also a Professor of Paediatrics and Emergency Medicine. Clinically he works as a Paediatric Emergency Medicine Physician in the Children's Emergency Department at Starship Children's Hospital, Auckland. Stuart's research is strongly aligned to his everyday clinical practice as a Paediatric Emergency Physician. It focuses on both medical emergencies, such as status epilepticus, and common paediatric conditions, such as asthma, bronchiolitis, and the use of paracetamol and ibuprofen. Stuart has led a number of randomised controlled trials in bronchiolitis and recently a Lancet Review on bronchiolitis. Stuart remains a lifelong All Black supporter.

From the 2022 APLS Paediatric Acute Care Conference in Melbourne.