In Depth: How to start an APLS international project
"Suss out the place first. Do some hard time. Find a local champion. Prepare as if you're going into space..."
APLS in Sri Lanka
"It did seem strange teaching about the seriously ill and injured child, surrounded by AK47's and razor wire..."
APLS in Myanmar
"I was lucky enough to be one of the 'Myanmar 9' – teaching the first APLS provider courses in the country..."
APLS in the Maldives
"“Eleena, the country’s only paediatric cardiologist, learnt Hindi for medical school in India – then her paediatric cardiology training required her to learn Thai..."
APLS in Fiji
"For many, it was the only resuscitation teaching they had ever received..."
APLS in Cambodia
"In 2005 when APLS training began, Cambodia had 65.4/1000 livebirths die under the age of five years. In 2015, that figure was 28.7..."
APLS during the Christchurch earthquake
"We were practicing with mannequins, and suddenly everything became very real..."
APLS in Malaysia
"With great dedication from the local Malaysian faculty, they were running APLS Provider courses self-sufficiently within three years..."
APLS in Samoa
“This golden opportunity APLS granted me is not just helping me but my country as well…”
IPLS in Iraq
“Iraqi Paediatric Life Support would like to thank APLS Australia for its help, cooperation and willingness to give…”